Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Follow us - March 15

1. Describe how you're feeling about the Rock 'n' Roll show.

2. How are you feeling about your band?


  1. I am feeling great for the big show

  2. I feel great to do the show.

  3. I think my band picked the right lyrics

  4. Are band is looking GREAT because they know ALL the lyrics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am felling so surprised because it is DAY's away!!!!

  5. 1. pretty good

  6. 1. Describe how you're feeling about the Rock 'n' Roll show.
    I am exited about the show because I am nervous and it will be fun and inspirational for others watching
    2. How are you feeling about your band?
    Great we know all the lyrics and have costumes sorted all out

  7. evelyn.G

    i feel good, but 1 song im not comfortable

  8. G~No:

    1. I am feeling excited and nervous about the big show. I don't know how to work on my stage fright. I think the play on Thursday might help a bit (let's hope so anyway).

    2. I am feeling pretty good about my bands. For Bee Gees I am loving the groove/beat of the song. For The Clash I am excited that I am the lead. For Blondie, I was thinking this was going to be my favorite but so far hasn't made my expectations. I don't have a part yet and was really hoping I would be Blondie but didn't get that position, unfortunately. I am sure she will do a great job though!


    1. I feel good because it isn't my first time performing, so I feel pretty comfortable.

    2. I really like my bands and how they are working out.

  9. 1. Describe how you're feeling about the Rock 'n' Roll show.
    Nervous because we haven't told lots of people haven't told others.
    2. How are you feeling about your band?
    That we need to learn our roles more.
